As I was recently changing my Facebook password, I saw that, like many other websites, Facebook assesses the strength of your password: weak, medium, or strong. I’ve noticed this before because I feel surprisingly affected by it. I am familiar with characteristics of strong passwords and am no novice when it comes to making strong ones. As you might be able to tell, this is apparently a point of pride for me. For example, when a website suggests what would make a strong password, such as including symbols, letters, and numbers, I’m like “yeah, duh.”
The other thing seeing this on a website entices me do is purposefully type a variety of passwords, especially what I think are weak ones, to see what the site will say. Like, my initials and birthday, at first I’m like well it can’t be that easy, “weak.” So I’m a little surprised, but not too much because that’s like classic new password thinking, right? Like don’t use personal information. Then a random word and numbers, “medium.” Also, not shocking. Using complete words seems to be frowned upon. My all-time best password that has received the greatest success in turning out “strong” ratings is actually the password that I received at the beginning of college to log into my related accounts. I made the fateful decision to just memorize it then and have been all the better for it. Highly recommend.
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